Cameras in Nursing Homes: A Blessing or a Curse?

What’s the key to a successful relationship? Many would argue that a good relationship cannot flourish without trust. At Dolan Memory Care Homes, building trust with our residents and families has been a crucial component to our success for the last 25 years.

A recent report from KMOV4 highlighted the consequences of what happens when nursing homes don’t prioritize trust and transparency in their care. Currently, two bills in the state of Missouri regarding cameras in nursing homes are up for discussion. One of these pieces of legislation empowers the nursing home to decide whether or not cameras are utilized. Advocates for this bill say it will promote trust, proper, ethical care and avoid the abhorrent abuse and neglect that sometimes come with lack of transparency. We are proud to be one of the advocates for full transparency in care facilities.

One of the hallmarks of Dolan Memory Care Homes is the dozen or so cameras installed in our public spaces. While many communities eschew this practice, Dolan Memory Care Homes embraces the trust and transparency that come with having cameras in the public areas of each Dolan home.  Should a resident fall, we are able to rewind a camera to review how the incident happened-did the resident trip on something? Did the resident hit their head in the fall? Investigating these questions from the cameras informs our nurses and staff how to best care for residents. Additionally, gleaning the information from a camera allows us to be fully transparent with family members. Finally, this technology allows our families to get peace of mind knowing that the community caring for their loved one is an open book. One family whose mother stays at Dolan says “we are all so grateful for the kind and compassionate caregivers – and the peace of mind in knowing mom is receiving wonderful, personalized care”

We recognize that the decision to place a loved one in a memory care community is a giant leap of faith, and it’s not one most people make voluntarily. Dolan Memory Care Homes is proud that we recognize the strengths of full transparency, trust and communication brought by cameras in our homes that lend to the person-centered and nurturing care given to our residents every day.

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